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’21 Days to Change’ | Day 21!

YOU DID IT! You’ve made it to the end of our ’21 Days to Change’ challenge!! Congratulations! Has that change you’ve been pursuing taken root? Does it feel more permanent? At home? Comfortable? I hope so! And I hope you are reaping the benefits that come with committing yourself to something as noble (and grand) […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 20

Well my friends… If you’ve not started your countdown yet… NOW is the time! We’ve officially made it to Day 20 of our 21 change challenge… Your commitment to change is something to be commended! And you should feel proud… Because (as we’ve pointed out before) not everyone is up for change. Sure, they may talk […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 19

Happy Saturday! And congratulations on making it to Day 19 of our ’21 Days to Change’ challenge! Can you feel the change “taking root” in you? If so, how does it feel? Is it what you expected? Is it more? How has this experience (thus far) changed the way you feel about change? Are you […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 18

Welcome to the weekend… and day 18!! Don’t forget about our little talk yesterday… about staying “true our commitments” as we enter into the weekend! Lots of people start projects and processes… towards a goal… like change. But not everyone finishes. Finishing is much more of a challenge! Let’s resolve to finish well! Here’s our […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 17

Day 17! And we’ve got one last hurdle to clear before we complete our ’21 Days to Change’ challenge — the weekend! What is it about the weekend that makes sticking to “routines” or “commitments” such a struggle? How can we step away from the schedules we keep during the week without abandoning everything — […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 16

Happy Day 16! We’re one day closer to realizing the change we desire!! That being the case, I thought we might look to the horizon… and consider “what’s next.” A week from today we will enter into the season of Lent. Lent is the 40+ day season that starts with Ash Wednesday, takes us through […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 15

It’s Day 15 friends! And I’ve found a couple more quotes to encourage us along as we begin our 3rd and final week of the ’21 Days to Change’ challenge! Both quotes come from Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback church in Southern California. Change always starts in your mind. The way you think determines the […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 14

Day 14. Two weeks! We’re two-thirds of the way to our goal. Congrats on making it this far!! I found a poem, and wanted to share it with you… because I think it gets at the “guts” of change that I’ve talked about before. We need to be willing to do our part in seeing […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 13

It’s Day 13 friend! Great job on making it this far!! As you journey on in this ’21 Days to Change’ challenge… ask yourself, what role is prayer playing in this process? How are you allowing God to be the power in your life for change? How are you allowing God to decide what this […]

’21 Days to Change’ | Day 12

A simple thought for today: Change: if it were easy, everyone would do it. You’re a maverick… You’re doing the hard work of paving a new way forward. You are a change agent! You’re awesome! Here’s our scripture for the day: From the Old Testament: Genesis 27:1-46 1 When Isaac was old and his eyes were so […]